Upcoming event Highlights
Awana ClubsAWANA Clubs starts back Wed., Aug. 30th at 6:30 p.m. in the Family Life Center. This will be our 28th year of having the Awana Clubs at Highland. It's proven to year after year help kids get to know God, grow with God, and share about God in their lives. Join us ever Wednesday at 6:30pm.
Men's MinistryMen's Ministry meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 6:30pm at the church. We are currently going through the book of John for bible study but also we have outings for men to join together and fellowship regularly. If you are interested please let contact us at the office. Thanks
Women's MinistryWomen's Ministry gathers the 1st Sunday of the Month and are currently reading through a book together. This is a great time to get to know ladies in the church and fellowship together. If you are interested in being a part of the women's ministry please contact us at the office. Thanks